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I was born in Gävle, Sweden in 1961 but grew up in the city of Stockholm where I also got my MFA at the Royal College of Music in 1982. I have been a professional guitarist for almost forty years, working in various genres as soloist (recital debut at the Wigmore Hall, London in 1983, solo recording debut in 1986), accompanist and ensemble player.

In 1990-92 I took a break to spend two years in New York as a postgraduate student at Juilliard. Since then I have been active primarily on the chamber music scene. Song accompaniment has become a specialty of mine over the years and I have been blessed with the opportunity to work with some really fine singers. Of course, I also play instrumental music, solo as well as in various ensembles. For an overview of the projects that I am currently involved in, please click on PROJECTS or CALENDAR in the menu above.

Since 2006 I am a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music. Speaking of Royal, in June 2011 I had the honour of receiving the “Litteris et artibus” medal from his majesty, king Carl Gustaf himself!

I have got three children, ages sixteen, nineteen and twenty-one years, respectively.


                                          Photo : Per-Erik_Adamsson